How to use: A basic D&D 4th edition character sheet
By Version 0.16
Resize the window to see all the tabs!
Many items in this sheet have a Send button. Click Send to make the roll for that option. Most permanent modifiers are included automatically.
When you click Send, a popup box will ask, "Replace '?' with". Hit Enter or click OK to make the roll. If a temporary modifier applies to the roll, e.g. combat advantage, this is where you can type in the amount.
I am a complete novice with OpenRPG, so this character sheet may badly designed and/or buggy. You've been warned! How to use: A basic D&D 4th edition character sheet
By Version 0.16
Resize the window to see all the tabs!
Many items in this sheet have a Send button. Click Send to make the roll for that option. Most permanent modifiers are included automatically.
When you click Send, a popup box will ask, "Replace '?' with". Hit Enter or click OK to make the roll. If a temporary modifier applies to the roll, e.g. combat advantage, this is where you can type in the amount.
I am a complete novice with OpenRPG, so this character sheet may badly designed and/or buggy. You've been warned! Getting started: Here is what you need to do before using this sheet. You may have to resize the window to see the Setup tab.
* In the Setup > General tab, enter your level, any initiative bonuses, and armor check penalty. * In the Setup > Abilities tab, enter your ability values. * In the Setup > Skills tab, enter the total bonus for each skill (training, racial, feats, etc). * In the Powers tab, update the names, attack bonuses, and damage information. ** For the ability name used for attack and damage rolls, use one of the following: Str, Con, Dex, Int, Wis, or Cha.
Customizing: IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't rename the nodes. The internal formulas depend on the names. This also means that if you make a second character by cloning the node for the character sheet, the formulas won't work (all values will be taken from the first copy).
To change the name of the top level node to your character's name, do the following. Save the node as an xml file, then use a text editor to find and replace the text "Quarion" with the new name. Then insert the modified xml file into your Game Tree. You should be able to use this method to have multiple characters loaded at once.
Details: A bunch of numbers appear when you make a roll. Here's what they are.
Attack roll for a power: [20,-1,0,0,0] => (20, -1, 0, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- ability modifier -- extra bonus in "Attack bonus" box -- 1/2 level -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Damage roll for a power: [8,-1,0,0] => (8, -1, 0, 0) -- die roll -- ability modifier -- extra damage in "Hit damage roll" box -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Skill check: [20,0,-1,0,-1,0] => (20, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0) -- 1d20 -- training/racial bonuses entered in the Setup tab -- ability modifier -- 1/2 level -- armor check penalty (only appears for skills based on Str, Dex, and Con) -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Initiative check: [20,1,0,0,0] => (20, 1, 0, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- Dex modifier -- 1/2 level -- bonuses entered in Setup tab -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Ability check: [20,-1,0,0] => (20, -1, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- ability modifier -- 1/2 level -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Readme |
How to use: A basic D&D 4th edition character sheet
By Version 0.16
Resize the window to see all the tabs!
Many items in this sheet have a Send button. Click Send to make the roll for that option. Most permanent modifiers are included automatically.
When you click Send, a popup box will ask, "Replace '?' with". Hit Enter or click OK to make the roll. If a temporary modifier applies to the roll, e.g. combat advantage, this is where you can type in the amount.
I am a complete novice with OpenRPG, so this character sheet may badly designed and/or buggy. You've been warned! Getting started: Here is what you need to do before using this sheet. You may have to resize the window to see the Setup tab.
* In the Setup > General tab, enter your level, any initiative bonuses, and armor check penalty. * In the Setup > Abilities tab, enter your ability values. * In the Setup > Skills tab, enter the total bonus for each skill (training, racial, feats, etc). * In the Powers tab, update the names, attack bonuses, and damage information. ** For the ability name used for attack and damage rolls, use one of the following: Str, Con, Dex, Int, Wis, or Cha.
Customizing: IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't rename the nodes. The internal formulas depend on the names. This also means that if you make a second character by cloning the node for the character sheet, the formulas won't work (all values will be taken from the first copy).
To change the name of the top level node to your character's name, do the following. Save the node as an xml file, then use a text editor to find and replace the text "Quarion" with the new name. Then insert the modified xml file into your Game Tree. You should be able to use this method to have multiple characters loaded at once.
Details: A bunch of numbers appear when you make a roll. Here's what they are.
Attack roll for a power: [20,-1,0,0,0] => (20, -1, 0, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- ability modifier -- extra bonus in "Attack bonus" box -- 1/2 level -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Damage roll for a power: [8,-1,0,0] => (8, -1, 0, 0) -- die roll -- ability modifier -- extra damage in "Hit damage roll" box -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Skill check: [20,0,-1,0,-1,0] => (20, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0) -- 1d20 -- training/racial bonuses entered in the Setup tab -- ability modifier -- 1/2 level -- armor check penalty (only appears for skills based on Str, Dex, and Con) -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Initiative check: [20,1,0,0,0] => (20, 1, 0, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- Dex modifier -- 1/2 level -- bonuses entered in Setup tab -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
Ability check: [20,-1,0,0] => (20, -1, 0, 0) -- 1d20 -- ability modifier -- 1/2 level -- what you typed in the popup dialog box when you rolled
At will |
Power name: Magic Missile Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: [4,1,4,0] = (9) Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. => Force Damage.-->Force Damage. 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(Describe other effects of the power here.) => papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: [4,2,4,0] = (10) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Scorching Burst Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,4,0,1,0] = (17)-->[12,4,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,4,0,0] = (5)-->[1,4,0,0] = (5) Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. => Fire damage.-->Fire damage. Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw2 |
Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,4,0,1,0] = (23)-->[18,4,0,1,0] = (23) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [5,4,0,0] = (9)-->[5,4,0,0] = (9) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 3 Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,1,0,1,0] = (3)-->[1,1,0,1,0] = (3) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw3 |
Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 4 Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [14,1,0,1,0] = (16)-->[14,1,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw4 |
Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 5 Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,1,0,1,0] = (18)-->[16,1,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw5 |
Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,1,0,1,0] = (20)-->[18,1,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,1,0,1,0] = (19)-->[17,1,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic melee |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,3,0,1,0] = (8)-->[4,3,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,3,0,0] = (5)-->[2,3,0,0] = (5) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic ranged |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,3,0,1,0] = (11)-->[7,3,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,3,0,0] = (4)-->[1,3,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: [1,1,4,0] = (6) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Magic Missile Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: [1,4,4,0] = (9) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: [1,3,4,0] = (8) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Scorching Burst Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,4,0,1,0] = (6)-->[1,4,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,4,0,0] = (10)-->[6,4,0,0] = (10) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw2 |
Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,4,0,1,0] = (18)-->[13,4,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,4,0,0] = (6)-->[2,4,0,0] = (6) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 3 Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,1,0,1,0] = (10)-->[8,1,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw3 |
Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,1,0,1,0] = (18)-->[16,1,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 4 Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [14,1,0,1,0] = (16)-->[14,1,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw4 |
Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 5 Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw5 |
Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,1,0,1,0] = (18)-->[16,1,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic melee |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [5,1,0,1,0] = (7)-->[5,1,0,1,0] = (7) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,3,0,1,0] = (11)-->[7,3,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,3,0,0] = (4)-->[1,3,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic ranged |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,3,0,1,0] = (19)-->[15,3,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,3,0,0] = (4)-->[1,3,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
At will |
Power name: Magic Missile Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,1,0,1,0] = (6)-->[4,1,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: [2,2,4,0] = (8) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: [1,4,4,0] = (9) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Scorching Burst Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,4,0,1,0] = (11)-->[6,4,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,4,0,0] = (6)-->[2,4,0,0] = (6) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw2 |
Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,4,0,1,0] = (22)-->[17,4,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,4,0,0] = (6)-->[2,4,0,0] = (6) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 3 Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw3 |
Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 4 Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,1,0,1,0] = (3)-->[1,1,0,1,0] = (3) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw4 |
Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,1,0,1,0] = (3)-->[1,1,0,1,0] = (3) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 5 Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,1,0,1,0] = (18)-->[16,1,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw5 |
Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,1,0,1,0] = (19)-->[17,1,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic melee |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,3,0,1,0] = (21)-->[17,3,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,3,0,0] = (6)-->[3,3,0,0] = (6) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic ranged |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,3,0,1,0] = (8)-->[4,3,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,3,0,0] = (5)-->[2,3,0,0] = (5) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,4,0,1,0] = (8)-->[3,4,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [5,3,4,0,0] = (12)-->[5,3,4,0,0] = (12) Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage => Force damage-->Force damage Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Force Orb Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,4,0,1,0] = (6)-->[1,4,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [7,2,4,0,0] = (13)-->[7,2,4,0,0] = (13) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,4,0,1,0] = (7)-->[2,4,0,1,0] = (7) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [4,5,4,0,0] = (13)-->[4,5,4,0,0] = (13) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 2 Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description => Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description-->Quarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc2 |
Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,1,0,1,0] = (21)-->[19,1,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 3 Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc3 |
Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,1,0,1,0] = (19)-->[17,1,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 4 Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,1,0,1,0] = (6)-->[4,1,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc4 |
Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 5 Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc5 |
Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 6 Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc6 |
Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Encounter |
Power name: Force Orb Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,4,0,1,0] = (7)-->[2,4,0,1,0] = (7) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,4,4,0,0] = (14)-->[6,4,4,0,0] = (14) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [5,4,0,1,0] = (10)-->[5,4,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,6,4,0,0] = (11)-->[1,6,4,0,0] = (11) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 2 Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc2 |
Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,1,0,1,0] = (6)-->[4,1,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 3 Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc3 |
Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 4 Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,1,0,1,0] = (9)-->[7,1,0,1,0] = (9) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc4 |
Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,1,0,1,0] = (21)-->[19,1,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 5 Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,1,0,1,0] = (21)-->[19,1,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc5 |
Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [5,1,0,1,0] = (7)-->[5,1,0,1,0] = (7) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 6 Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc6 |
Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,4,0,1,0] = (21)-->[16,4,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,5,4,0,0] = (10)-->[1,5,4,0,0] = (10) Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) => Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)-->Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Flaming Sphere Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,4,0,1,0] = (20)-->[15,4,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,4,0,0] = (7)-->[2,1,4,0,0] = (7) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,4,0,1,0] = (14)-->[9,4,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,1,4,0,0] = (11)-->[6,1,4,0,0] = (11) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Sleep Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [5,4,0,1,0] = (10)-->[5,4,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: 0 Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss: 0 Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. => Target is Slowed. Save Ends.-->Target is Slowed. Save Ends. --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. d2 |
Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,4,0,1,0] = (17)-->[12,4,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. |
Power name: Daily power 3 Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d3 |
Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 4 Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d4 |
Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [14,1,0,1,0] = (16)-->[14,1,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 5 Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,1,0,1,0] = (20)-->[18,1,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"] => [1,1,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0] = (2) => [3,1,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0] = (4) => [1,1,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0] = (2) => [1,1,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0] = (2) => [3,1,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0] = (4) => [2,1,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0] = (3) => [1,1,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0] = (2) => [3,1,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0] = (4) papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll Official Roll 0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 => 0-->0 papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d5 |
Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Daily |
Power name: Flaming Sphere Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,4,0,1,0] = (21)-->[16,4,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,2,4,0,0] = (12)-->[6,2,4,0,0] = (12) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,4,0,1,0] = (12)-->[7,4,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,6,4,0,0] = (16)-->[6,6,4,0,0] = (16) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Sleep Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,4,0,1,0] = (6)-->[1,4,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. d2 |
Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,4,0,1,0] = (13)-->[8,4,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. |
Power name: Daily power 3 Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d3 |
Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 4 Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d4 |
Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [14,1,0,1,0] = (16)-->[14,1,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 5 Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d5 |
Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Utility power name 2: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 3: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 4: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 5: (Effect of the power) Utility |
Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Utility power name 2: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 3: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 4: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 5: (Effect of the power) |
Powers |
aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: [4,1,4,0] = (9) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Magic Missile Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,1,0,1,0] = (20)-->[18,1,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: [2,1,4,0] = (7) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,1,0,1,0] = (6)-->[4,1,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: [2,1,4,0] = (7) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Scorching Burst Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,4,0,1,0] = (18)-->[13,4,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [5,4,0,0] = (9)-->[5,4,0,0] = (9) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw2 |
Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,4,0,1,0] = (13)-->[8,4,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,4,0,0] = (7)-->[3,4,0,0] = (7) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 3 Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,1,0,1,0] = (18)-->[16,1,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw3 |
Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 4 Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,1,0,1,0] = (3)-->[1,1,0,1,0] = (3) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw4 |
Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,1,0,1,0] = (20)-->[18,1,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 5 Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw5 |
Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,1,0,1,0] = (10)-->[8,1,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic melee |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [4,1,0,1,0] = (6)-->[4,1,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,3,0,1,0] = (19)-->[15,3,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,3,0,0] = (5)-->[2,3,0,0] = (5) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic ranged |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,3,0,1,0] = (6)-->[2,3,0,1,0] = (6) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,3,0,0] = (6)-->[3,3,0,0] = (6) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
At will |
Power name: Magic Missile Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: [2,2,4,0] = (8) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw1 |
Power name: Magic Missile ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: -------------- Magic Missile: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,1,0,1,0] = (10)-->[8,1,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: [2,4,4,0] = (10) [QForce Damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: -------------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d4 + (18 / 2 - 5) Hit description: Force Damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Scorching Burst Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,4,0,1,0] = (24)-->[19,4,0,1,0] = (24) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,4,0,0] = (10)-->[6,4,0,0] = (10) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw2 |
Power name: Scorching Burst ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Scorching Burst: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,4,0,1,0] = (18)-->[13,4,0,1,0] = (18) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,4,0,0] = (5)-->[1,4,0,0] = (5) [QFire damage.] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 1d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 3 Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw3 |
Power name: At will power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 4 Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw4 |
Power name: At will power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: At will power 5 Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) aw5 |
Power name: At will power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- At will power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [8,1,0,1,0] = (10)-->[8,1,0,1,0] = (10) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic melee |
Power name: Basic Melee Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Melee Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [14,1,0,1,0] = (16)-->[14,1,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [1,3,0,1,0] = (5)-->[1,3,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,3,0,0] = (5)-->[2,3,0,0] = (5) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) basic ranged |
Power name: Basic Ranged Attack ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Basic Ranged Attack: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,3,0,1,0] = (11)-->[7,3,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,3,0,0] = (5)-->[2,3,0,0] = (5) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,4,0,1,0] = (16)-->[11,4,0,1,0] = (16) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [5,4,4,0,0] = (13)-->[5,4,4,0,0] = (13) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Force Orb Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,4,0,1,0] = (11)-->[6,4,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [4,5,4,0,0] = (13)-->[4,5,4,0,0] = (13) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,4,0,1,0] = (8)-->[3,4,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [8,1,4,0,0] = (13)-->[8,1,4,0,0] = (13) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 2 Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc2 |
Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 3 Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,1,0,1,0] = (19)-->[17,1,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc3 |
Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,1,0,1,0] = (20)-->[18,1,0,1,0] = (20) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 4 Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc4 |
Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 5 Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc5 |
Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,1,0,1,0] = (21)-->[19,1,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 6 Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [19,1,0,1,0] = (21)-->[19,1,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc6 |
Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [5,1,0,1,0] = (7)-->[5,1,0,1,0] = (7) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Encounter |
Power name: Force Orb Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,4,0,1,0] = (8)-->[3,4,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,7,4,0,0] = (12)-->[1,7,4,0,0] = (12) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc1 |
Power name: Force Orb ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Force Orb: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,4,0,1,0] = (23)-->[18,4,0,1,0] = (23) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [6,2,4,0,0] = (12)-->[6,2,4,0,0] = (12) [QForce damage] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d8 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Force damage Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 2 Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc2 |
Power name: Encounter power 2 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 2: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [QQuarion::Powers::Encounter::en2c::Hit description] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 3 Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc3 |
Power name: Encounter power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,1,0,1,0] = (19)-->[17,1,0,1,0] = (19) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 4 Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,1,0,1,0] = (8)-->[6,1,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc4 |
Power name: Encounter power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 5 Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc5 |
Power name: Encounter power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Encounter power 6 Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) enc6 |
Power name: Encounter power 6 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Encounter power 6: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [13,1,0,1,0] = (15)-->[13,1,0,1,0] = (15) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,4,0,1,0] = (21)-->[16,4,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [4,5,4,0,0] = (13)-->[4,5,4,0,0] = (13) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Flaming Sphere Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,4,0,1,0] = (14)-->[9,4,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [5,3,4,0,0] = (12)-->[5,3,4,0,0] = (12) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,4,0,1,0] = (8)-->[3,4,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,2,4,0,0] = (9)-->[3,2,4,0,0] = (9) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Sleep Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [16,4,0,1,0] = (21)-->[16,4,0,1,0] = (21) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. d2 |
Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,4,0,1,0] = (22)-->[17,4,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. |
Power name: Daily power 3 Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d3 |
Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 4 Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,0,0] = (3)-->[2,1,0,0] = (3) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d4 |
Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [20,1,0,1,0] = (22)-->[20,1,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 5 Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [11,1,0,1,0] = (13)-->[11,1,0,1,0] = (13) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d5 |
Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [10,1,0,1,0] = (12)-->[10,1,0,1,0] = (12) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Daily |
Power name: Flaming Sphere Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [18,4,0,1,0] = (23)-->[18,4,0,1,0] = (23) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,2,4,0,0] = (7)-->[1,2,4,0,0] = (7) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d1 |
Power name: Flaming Sphere ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Flaming Sphere: To-hit vs. Reflex Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [17,4,0,1,0] = (22)-->[17,4,0,1,0] = (22) Hit: Official Roll [Q2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [2,1,4,0,0] = (7)-->[2,1,4,0,0] = (7) [QFire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Reflex Hit damage roll: 2d6 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: Fire damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Sleep Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,4,0,1,0] = (8)-->[3,4,0,1,0] = (8) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. d2 |
Power name: Sleep ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Sleep: To-hit vs. Will Official Roll [Q1d20+(18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [6,4,0,1,0] = (11)-->[6,4,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends.] Miss: 0 [QTarget is Slowed. Save Ends.] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: Will Hit damage roll: 0 Hit description: Target is Slowed. If target fails first saving throw target become unconcious. Save Ends. Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: Target is Slowed. Save Ends. |
Power name: Daily power 3 Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [12,1,0,1,0] = (14)-->[12,1,0,1,0] = (14) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d3 |
Power name: Daily power 3 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 3: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [7,1,0,1,0] = (9)-->[7,1,0,1,0] = (9) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 4 Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [2,1,0,1,0] = (4)-->[2,1,0,1,0] = (4) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [3,1,0,0] = (4)-->[3,1,0,0] = (4) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d4 |
Power name: Daily power 4 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 4: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [9,1,0,1,0] = (11)-->[9,1,0,1,0] = (11) Hit: Official Roll [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter other damage bonuses"+00/10] => [1,1,0,0] = (2)-->[1,1,0,0] = (2) [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] Miss: 0 [Qpapercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)] --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Power name: Daily power 5 Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [15,1,0,1,0] = (17)-->[15,1,0,1,0] = (17) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) d5 |
Power name: Daily power 5 ----- don't modify these, just click the Send button to roll -------: ------- Daily power 5: To-hit vs. AC Official Roll [Q1d20+(12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<--- enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2+00/10] => [3,1,0,1,0] = (5)-->[3,1,0,1,0] = (5) Hit: [Q1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses"] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 Miss: [Q0] papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.)+00/10 --------- enter setup info below ------------: ---------------------------------- Attack bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." vs: AC Hit damage roll: 1d3 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter other damage bonuses" Hit description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) Miss damage roll: 0 Miss description: papercut damage. (Describe other effects of the power here.) |
Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Utility power name 2: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 3: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 4: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 5: (Effect of the power) Utility |
Feather Fall: No damage regardless of fall distance. Not prone after fall Utility power name 2: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 3: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 4: (Effect of the power) Utility power name 5: (Effect of the power) |
Skill check rolls include: training, ability modifier, 1/2 level, and armor check Skill check rolls include: training, ability modifier, 1/2 level, and armor check Skill check: Perception: [16,5,1,1,0] = (23) Skills |
Skill check rolls include: training, ability modifier, 1/2 level, and armor check Skill check: Perception: [19,5,1,1,0] = (26) |
Initiative: [5,3,1,4,0] = (13) Initiative: [1,3,1,4,0] = (9) Saving throw: [13,0,0] = (13) Str check: [4,1,1,0] = (6) Con check: [5,0,1,0] = (6) Dex check: [6,3,1,0] = (10) Int check: [3,4,1,0] = (8) Wis check: [5,1,1,0] = (7) Cha check: [3,0,1,0] = (4) Other rolls |
Initiative: [4,3,1,4,0] = (12) Saving throw: [2,0,0] = (2) Str check: [7,1,1,0] = (9) Con check: [8,0,1,0] = (9) Dex check: [14,3,1,0] = (18) Int check: [7,4,1,0] = (12) Wis check: [15,1,1,0] = (17) Cha check: [17,0,1,0] = (18) |
General |
Name: Quarion Class: Wizard Level: 2 Initiative bonuses other than Dex: 4 Armor: (armor) Armor check penalty: -1 The mighty Quarion is a level 2 Wizard clad in (armor). Beware, for this hero can use Magic Missile and even Scorching Burst at the blink of an eye! |
Name: Quarion Name: Quarion Class: Wizard Level: 2 Initiative bonuses other than Dex: 4 Armor: (armor) Armor check penalty: -1 The mighty Quarion is a level 2 Wizard clad in (armor). Beware, for this hero can use Magic Missile and even Scorching Burst at the blink of an eye! General |
Name: Quarion Class: Wizard Level: 2 Initiative bonuses other than Dex: 4 Armor: (armor) Armor check penalty: -1 The mighty Quarion is a level 2 Wizard clad in (armor). Beware, for this hero can use Magic Missile and even Scorching Burst at the blink of an eye! |
Strength: 12 Strength: 12 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 10 Abilities |
Strength: 12 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 10 |
If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. Acrobatics bonus: 0 Arcana bonus: 7 Athletics bonus: 0 Bluff bonus: 0 Diplomacy bonus: 0 Dungeoneering bonus: 5 Endurance bonus: 0 Heal bonus: 0 History bonus: 2 Insight bonus: 5 Intimidate bonus: 0 Nature bonus: 0 Perception bonus: 5 Religion bonus: 5 Stealth bonus: 0 Streetwise bonus: 0 Thievery bonus: 0 Skills |
If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. Acrobatics bonus: 0 Arcana bonus: 7 Athletics bonus: 0 Bluff bonus: 0 Diplomacy bonus: 0 Dungeoneering bonus: 5 Endurance bonus: 0 Heal bonus: 0 History bonus: 2 Insight bonus: 5 Intimidate bonus: 0 Nature bonus: 0 Perception bonus: 5 Religion bonus: 5 Stealth bonus: 0 Streetwise bonus: 0 Thievery bonus: 0 |
Setup |
Name: Quarion Name: Quarion Class: Wizard Level: 2 Initiative bonuses other than Dex: 4 Armor: (armor) Armor check penalty: -1 The mighty Quarion is a level 2 Wizard clad in (armor). Beware, for this hero can use Magic Missile and even Scorching Burst at the blink of an eye! General |
Name: Quarion Class: Wizard Level: 2 Initiative bonuses other than Dex: 4 Armor: (armor) Armor check penalty: -1 The mighty Quarion is a level 2 Wizard clad in (armor). Beware, for this hero can use Magic Missile and even Scorching Burst at the blink of an eye! |
Strength: 12 Strength: 12 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 10 Abilities |
Strength: 12 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 16 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 10 |
If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. Acrobatics bonus: 0 Arcana bonus: 7 Athletics bonus: 0 Bluff bonus: 0 Diplomacy bonus: 0 Dungeoneering bonus: 5 Endurance bonus: 0 Heal bonus: 0 History bonus: 2 Insight bonus: 5 Intimidate bonus: 0 Nature bonus: 0 Perception bonus: 5 Religion bonus: 5 Stealth bonus: 0 Streetwise bonus: 0 Thievery bonus: 0 Skills |
If a skill is trained, enter a 5. If you have a racial bonus or feat bonus, add that as well. Do not add ability modifiers here--they are added automatically. Acrobatics bonus: 0 Arcana bonus: 7 Athletics bonus: 0 Bluff bonus: 0 Diplomacy bonus: 0 Dungeoneering bonus: 5 Endurance bonus: 0 Heal bonus: 0 History bonus: 2 Insight bonus: 5 Intimidate bonus: 0 Nature bonus: 0 Perception bonus: 5 Religion bonus: 5 Stealth bonus: 0 Streetwise bonus: 0 Thievery bonus: 0 |
Note |
---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ |
---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ ---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ Note |
---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ |
Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Con: (11 / 2 - 5) Dex: (16 / 2 - 5) Int: (18 / 2 - 5) Wis: (13 / 2 - 5) Cha: (10 / 2 - 5) Str check mod: (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Con check mod: (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Dex check mod: (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Int check mod: (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Wis check mod: (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Cha check mod: (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Ability modifiers |
Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Con: (11 / 2 - 5) Dex: (16 / 2 - 5) Int: (18 / 2 - 5) Wis: (13 / 2 - 5) Cha: (10 / 2 - 5) Str check mod: (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Con check mod: (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Dex check mod: (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Int check mod: (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Wis check mod: (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Cha check mod: (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 |
AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 ArcanaBonus: 7 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 AthleticsBonus: 0 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 BluffBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DiplomacyBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DungeoneeringBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 EnduranceBonus: 0 + (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 HealBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 HistoryBonus: 2 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 InsightBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 IntimidateBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 NatureBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 PerceptionBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ReligionBonus: 5 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 StealthBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 StreetwiseBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ThieveryBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 Skill check bonuses |
AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 ArcanaBonus: 7 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 AthleticsBonus: 0 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 BluffBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DiplomacyBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DungeoneeringBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 EnduranceBonus: 0 + (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 HealBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 HistoryBonus: 2 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 InsightBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 IntimidateBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 NatureBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 PerceptionBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ReligionBonus: 5 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 StealthBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 StreetwiseBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ThieveryBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 |
aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicMeleeBonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicRangedBonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc2Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc6Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 Power bonuses |
aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicMeleeBonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicRangedBonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc2Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc6Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 |
Club damage: 1d6 Club damage: 1d6 Dagger damage: 1d4 Javelin damage: 1d6 Mace damage: 1d8 Sickle damage: 1d6 Spear damage: 1d8 Greatclub damage: 2d4 Morningstar damage: 1d10 Quarterstaff damage: 1d8 Scythe damage: 2d4 Battleaxe damage: 1d10 Flail damage: 1d10 Handaxe damage: 1d6 Longsword damage: 1d8 Scimitar damage: 1d8 Short sword damage: 1d6 Throwing hammer damage: 1d6 Warhammer damage: 1d10 War pick damage: 1d8 Falchion damage: 2d4 Glaive damage: 2d4 Greataxe damage: 1d12 Greatsword damage: 1d10 Halberd damage: 1d10 Heavy flail damage: 2d6 Longspear damage: 1d10 Maul damage: 2d6 Bastard sword damage: 1d10 Katar damage: 1d6 Rapier damage: 1d8 Spiked chain damage: 2d4 Unarmed attack damage: 1d4 Hand crossbow damage: 1d6 Sling damage: 1d6 Crossbow damage: 1d8 Longbow damage: 1d10 Shortbow damage: 1d8 Shuriken damage: 1d4 Weapon damage |
Club damage: 1d6 Dagger damage: 1d4 Javelin damage: 1d6 Mace damage: 1d8 Sickle damage: 1d6 Spear damage: 1d8 Greatclub damage: 2d4 Morningstar damage: 1d10 Quarterstaff damage: 1d8 Scythe damage: 2d4 Battleaxe damage: 1d10 Flail damage: 1d10 Handaxe damage: 1d6 Longsword damage: 1d8 Scimitar damage: 1d8 Short sword damage: 1d6 Throwing hammer damage: 1d6 Warhammer damage: 1d10 War pick damage: 1d8 Falchion damage: 2d4 Glaive damage: 2d4 Greataxe damage: 1d12 Greatsword damage: 1d10 Halberd damage: 1d10 Heavy flail damage: 2d6 Longspear damage: 1d10 Maul damage: 2d6 Bastard sword damage: 1d10 Katar damage: 1d6 Rapier damage: 1d8 Spiked chain damage: 2d4 Unarmed attack damage: 1d4 Hand crossbow damage: 1d6 Sling damage: 1d6 Crossbow damage: 1d8 Longbow damage: 1d10 Shortbow damage: 1d8 Shuriken damage: 1d4 |
Club proficiency: 2 Club proficiency: 2 Dagger proficiency: 3 Javelin proficiency: 2 Mace proficiency: 2 Sickle proficiency: 2 Spear proficiency: 2 Greatclub proficiency: 2 Morningstar proficiency: 2 Quarterstaff proficiency: 2 Scythe proficiency: 2 Battleaxe proficiency: 2 Flail proficiency: 2 Handaxe proficiency: 2 Longsword proficiency: 3 Scimitar proficiency: 2 Short sword proficiency: 3 Throwing hammer proficiency: 2 Warhammer proficiency: 2 War pick proficiency: 2 Falchion proficiency: 3 Glaive proficiency: 2 Greataxe proficiency: 2 Greatsword proficiency: 3 Halberd proficiency: 2 Heavy flail proficiency: 2 Longspear proficiency: 2 Maul proficiency: 2 Bastard sword proficiency: 3 Katar proficiency: 3 Rapier proficiency: 3 Spiked chain proficiency: 3 Unarmed attack proficiency: 0 Hand crossbow proficiency: 2 Sling proficiency: 2 Crossbow proficiency: 2 Longbow proficiency: 2 Shortbow proficiency: 2 Shuriken proficiency: 3 Weapon proficiency |
Club proficiency: 2 Dagger proficiency: 3 Javelin proficiency: 2 Mace proficiency: 2 Sickle proficiency: 2 Spear proficiency: 2 Greatclub proficiency: 2 Morningstar proficiency: 2 Quarterstaff proficiency: 2 Scythe proficiency: 2 Battleaxe proficiency: 2 Flail proficiency: 2 Handaxe proficiency: 2 Longsword proficiency: 3 Scimitar proficiency: 2 Short sword proficiency: 3 Throwing hammer proficiency: 2 Warhammer proficiency: 2 War pick proficiency: 2 Falchion proficiency: 3 Glaive proficiency: 2 Greataxe proficiency: 2 Greatsword proficiency: 3 Halberd proficiency: 2 Heavy flail proficiency: 2 Longspear proficiency: 2 Maul proficiency: 2 Bastard sword proficiency: 3 Katar proficiency: 3 Rapier proficiency: 3 Spiked chain proficiency: 3 Unarmed attack proficiency: 0 Hand crossbow proficiency: 2 Sling proficiency: 2 Crossbow proficiency: 2 Longbow proficiency: 2 Shortbow proficiency: 2 Shuriken proficiency: 3 |
Calculations |
---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ ---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ Note |
---- The Calculations tab is for internal use. Don't change anything. ----: ------------ |
Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Con: (11 / 2 - 5) Dex: (16 / 2 - 5) Int: (18 / 2 - 5) Wis: (13 / 2 - 5) Cha: (10 / 2 - 5) Str check mod: (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Con check mod: (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Dex check mod: (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Int check mod: (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Wis check mod: (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Cha check mod: (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Ability modifiers |
Str: (12 / 2 - 5) Con: (11 / 2 - 5) Dex: (16 / 2 - 5) Int: (18 / 2 - 5) Wis: (13 / 2 - 5) Cha: (10 / 2 - 5) Str check mod: (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Con check mod: (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Dex check mod: (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Int check mod: (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Wis check mod: (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 Cha check mod: (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 |
AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 ArcanaBonus: 7 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 AthleticsBonus: 0 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 BluffBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DiplomacyBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DungeoneeringBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 EnduranceBonus: 0 + (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 HealBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 HistoryBonus: 2 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 InsightBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 IntimidateBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 NatureBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 PerceptionBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ReligionBonus: 5 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 StealthBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 StreetwiseBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ThieveryBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 Skill check bonuses |
AcrobaticsBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 ArcanaBonus: 7 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 AthleticsBonus: 0 + (12 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 BluffBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DiplomacyBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 DungeoneeringBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 EnduranceBonus: 0 + (11 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 HealBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 HistoryBonus: 2 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 InsightBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 IntimidateBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 NatureBonus: 0 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 PerceptionBonus: 5 + (13 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ReligionBonus: 5 + (18 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 StealthBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 StreetwiseBonus: 0 + (10 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 ThieveryBonus: 0 + (16 / 2 - 5) + 2/2 + -1 |
aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicMeleeBonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicRangedBonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc2Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc6Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 Power bonuses |
aw1Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 aw5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicMeleeBonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 BasicRangedBonus: (16 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc2Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 enc6Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d1Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d2Bonus: (18 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d3Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d4Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 d5Bonus: (12 / 2 - 5) + 0 +"<---> enter bonuses for proficiency, enhancement, etc." + 2/2 |
Club damage: 1d6 Club damage: 1d6 Dagger damage: 1d4 Javelin damage: 1d6 Mace damage: 1d8 Sickle damage: 1d6 Spear damage: 1d8 Greatclub damage: 2d4 Morningstar damage: 1d10 Quarterstaff damage: 1d8 Scythe damage: 2d4 Battleaxe damage: 1d10 Flail damage: 1d10 Handaxe damage: 1d6 Longsword damage: 1d8 Scimitar damage: 1d8 Short sword damage: 1d6 Throwing hammer damage: 1d6 Warhammer damage: 1d10 War pick damage: 1d8 Falchion damage: 2d4 Glaive damage: 2d4 Greataxe damage: 1d12 Greatsword damage: 1d10 Halberd damage: 1d10 Heavy flail damage: 2d6 Longspear damage: 1d10 Maul damage: 2d6 Bastard sword damage: 1d10 Katar damage: 1d6 Rapier damage: 1d8 Spiked chain damage: 2d4 Unarmed attack damage: 1d4 Hand crossbow damage: 1d6 Sling damage: 1d6 Crossbow damage: 1d8 Longbow damage: 1d10 Shortbow damage: 1d8 Shuriken damage: 1d4 Weapon damage |
Club damage: 1d6 Dagger damage: 1d4 Javelin damage: 1d6 Mace damage: 1d8 Sickle damage: 1d6 Spear damage: 1d8 Greatclub damage: 2d4 Morningstar damage: 1d10 Quarterstaff damage: 1d8 Scythe damage: 2d4 Battleaxe damage: 1d10 Flail damage: 1d10 Handaxe damage: 1d6 Longsword damage: 1d8 Scimitar damage: 1d8 Short sword damage: 1d6 Throwing hammer damage: 1d6 Warhammer damage: 1d10 War pick damage: 1d8 Falchion damage: 2d4 Glaive damage: 2d4 Greataxe damage: 1d12 Greatsword damage: 1d10 Halberd damage: 1d10 Heavy flail damage: 2d6 Longspear damage: 1d10 Maul damage: 2d6 Bastard sword damage: 1d10 Katar damage: 1d6 Rapier damage: 1d8 Spiked chain damage: 2d4 Unarmed attack damage: 1d4 Hand crossbow damage: 1d6 Sling damage: 1d6 Crossbow damage: 1d8 Longbow damage: 1d10 Shortbow damage: 1d8 Shuriken damage: 1d4 |
Club proficiency: 2 Club proficiency: 2 Dagger proficiency: 3 Javelin proficiency: 2 Mace proficiency: 2 Sickle proficiency: 2 Spear proficiency: 2 Greatclub proficiency: 2 Morningstar proficiency: 2 Quarterstaff proficiency: 2 Scythe proficiency: 2 Battleaxe proficiency: 2 Flail proficiency: 2 Handaxe proficiency: 2 Longsword proficiency: 3 Scimitar proficiency: 2 Short sword proficiency: 3 Throwing hammer proficiency: 2 Warhammer proficiency: 2 War pick proficiency: 2 Falchion proficiency: 3 Glaive proficiency: 2 Greataxe proficiency: 2 Greatsword proficiency: 3 Halberd proficiency: 2 Heavy flail proficiency: 2 Longspear proficiency: 2 Maul proficiency: 2 Bastard sword proficiency: 3 Katar proficiency: 3 Rapier proficiency: 3 Spiked chain proficiency: 3 Unarmed attack proficiency: 0 Hand crossbow proficiency: 2 Sling proficiency: 2 Crossbow proficiency: 2 Longbow proficiency: 2 Shortbow proficiency: 2 Shuriken proficiency: 3 Weapon proficiency |
Club proficiency: 2 Dagger proficiency: 3 Javelin proficiency: 2 Mace proficiency: 2 Sickle proficiency: 2 Spear proficiency: 2 Greatclub proficiency: 2 Morningstar proficiency: 2 Quarterstaff proficiency: 2 Scythe proficiency: 2 Battleaxe proficiency: 2 Flail proficiency: 2 Handaxe proficiency: 2 Longsword proficiency: 3 Scimitar proficiency: 2 Short sword proficiency: 3 Throwing hammer proficiency: 2 Warhammer proficiency: 2 War pick proficiency: 2 Falchion proficiency: 3 Glaive proficiency: 2 Greataxe proficiency: 2 Greatsword proficiency: 3 Halberd proficiency: 2 Heavy flail proficiency: 2 Longspear proficiency: 2 Maul proficiency: 2 Bastard sword proficiency: 3 Katar proficiency: 3 Rapier proficiency: 3 Spiked chain proficiency: 3 Unarmed attack proficiency: 0 Hand crossbow proficiency: 2 Sling proficiency: 2 Crossbow proficiency: 2 Longbow proficiency: 2 Shortbow proficiency: 2 Shuriken proficiency: 3 |